Care for all Trust

A national non-governmental organization
  • 8475-00-2328

The Executive Commitee shall have power to create various posts and aptpoint the staff of the Trust and decide the condition, remuneration and made of recruitment.

1. The Executive Committee shall have the power to take all actions required to promote all or any of the aims and objectives of the Trust.
2. The Executive Committee shall have the power to approve the budget, accounts and audit report of the Trust.
3. The ordinary Meeting shall have the power to approve the budget accounts and audit report of the Trust.
4. The ordinary and special Meeting of the Executive Commitee shall be held atleast twice in every calendar year.
5. The Executive Committee shall have the power to frame bye-laws for the Trust or its insitutions.
6. That Executive Committee may delegate its powers to any sub Committee, officer of institutions by specific resolution.
7. The quorum of the Executive Committee’s Meeting/emergency Meeting shall be one-third.
8. There shall be no quorum for adjourned Meeting of the Executive Commitee.


1. The General Body of the Trust shall consist of the life Members, ordinary members and institutional members of the Trust.
2. The General Body shall normally meet once in a year to discuss and approve the Annual report and Audit Report of the Trust.
3. The General Body may give such directions and / or guidance the Executive Committee, which may be necessary in the furtherance of the objectives of the Trust.
4. The Chairman and Secretary of the Trust shall be the Chairman and Secretary of the General Body respectively.
5. The Meeting of the General body shall be called and presided over by the Chairman.
6. An extra ordinary Meeting of General Body may be convented by atleast one-fourth of the Members enroll of whom three should be life Trustees by circulating a notice in writing along with the agenda.
7. One third of the Members enroll shall constitute quorum of General Body Meetings.
8. To appoint advocates and auditors for ensuring year.
9. Decision of the General body shall be taken by a simple majority. The Chairman will have the casting vote.


1. The election of the Executive Members shall be held sufficiently in advances of the expiry of their terms or unanimously by a returning officer duly appointed by the Executive Committee.
2. The returning officer shall conduct election on accordance with the procedure approved by the Executive Committee. The returning officer shall be responsible to ensure that free and fair election.
3. A Member eligible to vote can contest election and a Member who is in arrears of monthly / yearly subscription as the case may be shall not be eligible to vote or contest election.
4. The quorum of the General Body shall be 1/3rd majority adjourned Meeting shall require no quorum.