1. LIFE MEMBER:All the aforesaid life Trustees shall be the life member of the Trust. Any person who is elgible to be enrolled as a Member shall become life member on payment as sum of Rs 5000 (Rs five thousand only) and above to the trust.
2. ORDINARY MEMBERS:A person eligible to be enrolled as Member may be admitted as Ordinary Member by the Executive Committe on his/her payment of Rs 1000/- as admission fe and a monthly subscription of Rs. 150/- or as may be perscribed by the Executive Committe from time to time. Any ordinary Member who fails to make payment of monthly subsription for consecutive three months from the due date shall seize to be seize to be the ordinary Member of the Trust. However, such a person if he/she applies for re-admission and the Executive Committee is satisfied that sufficient reason existed for non-payment thereof such a person may be readmitted and exempted from paying the admission fee again, if so decided by the Executive Committee.
3. HONORARY PATRONS:Those who are requested by the Trustees to accept the office of the honorary patrons in view of their eminence in the field of agriculture education, technology researches and other related fields and also from field of education and social and political eminence.
4. INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERS:The Executive commitee may admit Govt. /Semi Govt. private institution/ NGO’s as institutional Member on payment of Rs 5000/- as admission fee and annual subscription of Rs. 1000/- If the executive committee is satisfied that such institutions subscribe to and/or involve in the implementation of programmes in accordance with the aims and objectives of the trust. The executive committee may change the annual subscription of institutional form time to time. The institutional Members are entitles to nominate one person each to attend the Meeting of General body and such Members shall have the right to vote and contest election of the Executive Committee. All application for enrollment as Member of the Trust shall be addressed to the Secretary of the Trust who after being satisfied about the genuineness of the applicant, shall submit it to the Chairman. The Chairman may recommend and place the application.